Larwood, Kieran,

UKI AND THE OUTCASTS / KIERAN LARWOOD ; ILLUSTRATED BY DAVID WYATT - 386 pages : illustrations, map ; 20 cm - THE FIVE REALMS . - The five realms .

But there will be action, won't there? And daring deeds and fights and things?' 'Oh yes, lots of those, ' says the bard. 'Once the story gets going. You have to let it build up first, though. A good story comes to the boil slowly, just like a good vegetable stew.' A thrilling new book set in the Five Realms of Podkin One-Ear, Uki and the Outcasts is the stirring tale of another legendary rabbit hero. But unlike Podkin, Uki wasn't a Chieftain's son - he was an outcast from his tribe, due to his strange half-black, half-white fur and mismatched eyes. Uki's story begins when, near death as a child, his body is brought back to life by Iffrit, a spirit-guardian. Iffrit then shows Uki how to capture one of four powerful escaped spirits, to boost his own strength. With this new power, Uki is tasked to capture the other three spirits, so that their power cannot be harnessed to evil ends. First, though, Uki must decide whether to take vengeance on the bullies who cast him out of his tribe. With the help of two other outcasts who become his travelling companions, he embarks on a dangerous and thrilling quest. From bestselling author and winner of the Blue Peter Best Story Book Award, Uki and the Outcasts is the first in a new trilogy set in the world of Podkin One-Ear.

9780571342808 RM55.50

Outcasts--Juvenile fiction
Magic --Juvenile fiction
Fantasy--Juvenile fiction

Children's stories
Fantasy fiction
