Nadin, Joanna,

It Wasn't Me / It was not me JOANNA NADIN ; ILLUSTRATED BY PAULINE REEVES. - 48 pages : colour illustrations ; 21 cm. - Bloomsbury young readers, lime book band . - Bloomsbury young readers. Lime book band. .

"Book band: Lime" -- Back cover.

If a microwave explodes or there are bubbles all over the bathroom floor, it's bound to have been because of Alfie Braithwaite. Only Alfie swears that it's all the fault of Dave, the terrible gremlin that lives in his sock drawer. But one day Dave really does appear and starts to wreak more havoc than even Alfie could have imagined! Will Alfie catch Dave? And will Alfie's parents ever believe that it really wasn't him?

Junior primary school age.

9781472955555 RM 28.86 RM 473.84 RM 47.38

Truthfulness and falsehood--Juvenile fiction.
Imaginary companions--Juvenile fiction.
Monsters--Juvenile fiction.
Families--Juvenile fiction.
Readers--Juvenile fiction.
