Pipher, Mary,

Ren sheng xia ban chang zui zhong yao de shi = Women Rowing North : Navigating Life's Currents and Flourishing As We Age / Translations of: Women Rowing North : Navigating Life's Currents and Flourishing As We Age / (mei) Ma li Pi fu (Mary Pipher) Zhu ; Ge xue lei yi - Di 1 ban - 242 pages ; 21 cm

The first part of the book discusses the challenges of aging, including gerontism, physical discrimination, physical weakness, loss, and loneliness. The second part explores the life wisdom we need at this stage, including self-understanding, clever choices, group building, mastering our narratives, and being grateful.

Text in simplified Chinese script.

9787521736410 RM70.90

Older women--Psychology
Women identity
Aging --Psychological aspects
