Li, Xiaopeng

Zhong Xue Sheng Si Wei Doo Tu Xue Xi Fa / Middle school students' mind map learning method story painting version Li Xiaopeng - 218 pages : colour illustrations, colour photographs ; 22 cm

Is there a way to learn all the knowledge in this world?

Li Dapeng, the protagonist of this book, spent eight years studying this issue, from "Thirty-six" to "eighteen martial arts" to "seven weapons" to "efficient learning method"...* Finally, did he find the answer?

This question, not only the readers care, Li Dapeng's niece Zhao Wei is also very concerned. Only three months before the college entrance examination, Zhao Wei’s performance is still struggling on the second line, and it is a headache when it comes to learning. She is eager for someone to give her a shortcut to victory over the college entrance examination.

The interesting story of the uncle's challenge to the college entrance examination began.

There are no shortcuts for the college entrance examination, but there are ways to learn: starting from a simple place; grasping the knowledge-based mind map learning method; expensive is not expensive. Li Dapeng's "Efficient Learning Method" contains a deep understanding of the nature of learning and the flexible use of learning methods.

In addition, the book also interprets the method of solving problems in different subjects, the study time planning before the exam, the skills of taking notes, and the method of improving memory...

Follow the steps of Li Dapeng and Zhao Wei, you will find in the pleasant reading, as long as the method is correct, learn masters can be everyone.

9787519434243 RM54.90

Problem solving --Graphic methods
Decision-making --Graphic methods
Creative ability --Problems, exercises, etc.
